Sessions per week: 2-4 while in season and 4-6 during off season.
Total session time: 30 minutes to 1.5 hour.
Rest to work ratio: 5 minutes work to 1 minute rest.
Jump to a section
Warmup: 5-15 minutes
Also with a size 1 ball Wall Juggling
Also with a size 1 ball Height Juggling
With partner:
Head Also with a size 1 ball.
Head-Head Also with a size 1 ball.
First touch: 5-30 minutes
With partner:
Punt, touch in box, and pass also with a size 1 ball
Passing: 5-30 minutes
With partner:
Box passing 1
Box passing 2
Box passing 3
Box passing 4
Box passing 5
Dribbling: 5-30 minutes
With partner:
Active 1v1 to gates and variations
Shooting: 5-30 minutes
Any previous drill into a shot. Remember to follow your rebounds if you’re lucky enough to be using an Open Goaaal!!!
Example: No restriction freestyle into shot
OPTIONAL: Physical Training
Do this after your warmup on the field or as its own session. Optionally add a ball into the drill by putting it near where the player will end the exercise and have them run to it to dribble and have a shot. Then reset, rest, and repeat the drill.
Agility: 2-3 sets of 5 reps each. At least 1 minute rest in between sets.
Speed: 2-3 reps each way of 10-meter total max effort sprints. At least 1 minute rest in between sets.
45-degree change of direction sprint
Strength: 2-3 sets of 20-45 seconds. At least 1 minute rest in between sets.
Front heel elevated split squat hold:
Elevated glute bridge: 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps. At least 1 minute rest in between sets.