Since the global pandemic started, many of us struggled to keep up with exercise and physical activities. Sports events, gyms, or even just going out for runs were limited since we stayed inside most of the time. Even though exercise and physical activity are harder, it’s still an important routine to fit into our lives to keep our minds and bodies healthy. 

Though many states have fewer limitations thanks to the vaccine many sports facilities may be closed so we’re still forced to resort to other means to stay in shape. At-home workouts have been a go-to routine: from high-intensity interval training to home set-up weights. It’s one way many have adapted to staying fit. 

But sometimes, these at-home workouts get a little bland and boring. It becomes too tedious to do because there’s not much variation or it just gets dull. That’s why I recommend backyard soccer. Yes, soccer – in your backyard. You don’t have to do boring exercises! You can now work out all of your muscle groups while also having fun!

What Can I Get From Backyard Soccer?

If you’re a soccer enthusiast, setting up a backyard soccer goal is one best things you can do. First off, you can adjust the pitch to your liking. Then, depending on your objective and priorities, you can change the length and width of your pitch. Both kids and adults can have fun working out and playing a game! 

Secondly, the change in terrain may do you good. Having to set up your own backyard soccer goal gives you control over where to put it in your backyard. Later on, if you feel like the position of the goal is not serving you well, you can place it somewhere else. Changing training environments for soccer players is good for developing concentration.

Next, backyard soccer exposes your children to playing soccer and its rules at a very early stage. Most successful soccer players started training at a very young age. Allowing your kids to play and kick the ball towards the goal may help them envision a future in sports.

Playing backyard soccer can also improve your confidence in sports and accuracy. By training on your own, you can work on skills that are difficult to focus on while training with a team including confidence in handling the ball. You’ll have the opportunity to overcome the pressure and be able to score a goal more flawlessly.

Where Do I Get the Equipment?

At this point, setting up a backyard soccer area sounds like a good idea, but where do you get the equipment you need for it? Well, Open Goaaal USA has your back. They offer backyard soccer goals and backyard soccer nets to help you build your dream home soccer field.

Open Goaaal Soccer 3-IN-1 Trainer 

If you want to get started training at home, this OPEN GOAAAL® SOCCER 3-IN-1 TRAINER is the perfect equipment for you. It is their standard soccer goal that does more than catch balls in the goal. It is a 3-in-1 goal that offers you the basics of soccer training while rebounding the ball and preventing missed shots from flying away. Originally priced at $199, you can now score this goal for only $169.

This all-in-one backyard soccer goal stands up to 8 feet tall and stretches up to 16 feet wide. This makes it possible for you to rebound the majority of your missed shots. Perfect for kids to help keep them active and to improve their soccer skills. 

Because of its wide goal span, missed shots won’t interrupt your practice time anymore. You won’t have to chase after every lost ball you kicked outside the perimeter. This gives you more time to focus on making the perfect shots. After you’re finished playing, you can just hide or raise the netting to keep it from getting damaged. 

This quality backyard soccer goal has a 9ft x 5ft goal size and 10ft x 2ft wide surrounding backstop rebounders. Its netting is made up of high-quality UV-resistant PE, which makes it durable and weather-proof. You may need an 18 feet by 21 feet wide rectangular area to perfectly play using this goal. Peg it up to 6 feet and 6 inches deep underground.

FNINE Soccer Ball - Ambassador

Of course, soccer would not be soccer without the iconic geometric ball. Open Goaaal USA also offers a great soccer ball - the FNINE Soccer Ball – Ambassador. It is designed with black and red stars, gold trims, and a white base. It looks like what professionals are using for the major leagues!

Thanks to its advanced machine stitching, the FNINE Ambassador becomes a professional-grade soccer ball specially designed for better ball control. Its Thermo polyurethane leather gives it an extraordinary combination of softness on kicks, thrown-ins, and passes. It’s water-resistant so that you can play even if it’s wet outside.

You can get it in sizes 4 and 5 making it perfect for quick matches, training, or even full-length games. For every purchase of the Ambassador soccer ball, a portion of the sale goes to a ministry that practices soccer outreach! So you can have fun while also being charitable! It’s available for only $39.95.



We don’t have to confine ourselves to boring at-home workouts to make ourselves physically fit. We can also choose to have fun while sweating it all out! If you have a big backyard, try to set up your own best soccer goal for your backyard! 

Using the equipment I shared above from Open Goaaal USA, you can easily have the best time of your life. You can play soccer with your kids in the comfort of your backyard. So I suggest you get it now and start playing!